Monday, May 16, 2011

Dreamers dust themselves off

Yup. That's what this dreamer is doing.

I could be wallowing. I've done it before. It's not a good look for me.

I could be so depressed that I can't function and can't focus and can't accomplish much of anything at all. I've lived that way for too long. I've lived like that because of Sam before.

It made me feel weak. And I'm anything but weak. I can take on the world.

That's what I'm doing right now.

This week marks a week of shameless self-promotion. That's right. I'm promoting myself, or more specifically my books, on Rentable Me. I figure that if I don't promote me, who will? Oprah? Gawd, I'd die happy if Oprah promoted me. That would solve a whole lot of problems. I'd be set.

Woops. See, sometimes dreamers get distracted and dreamers digress. Let's face it, Oprah is not going to promote me. I'm on my own here. Hence the week of shameless self-promotion.

So, let me tell you a little something about First a Dream. It was the first novel that I ever finished. And believe me, I've started soooo many. I was rather compelled to finish this one, since it is the expanded version of my master's thesis.

I love fairy tales. When I saw that there was an entire class on fairy tales offered in college, I took it. And when I discovered that I could complete my thesis by researching all the Cinderella variants and writing my own, I took it. That was some of the easiest writing and research I had ever done. Rachel was 7. Keenan was 3. We read all the Cinderella stories together. It was fun.

So, when it came to writing my own, I took some aspects of my own life. And I wrote the ultimate story of hope. Most people read romances based on single women who have never been married. I wrote this for real women. So many of us have married badly the first time and feel trapped because of the children. I wrote a tale about a woman who was given a second chance at happiness after marrying badly.

Isabella was an aspiring photographer who struggled to capture moments of happiness on film because they were so fleeting in her own life. After she caught her husband in a compromising position with her sister, she knew that happiness was even more elusive. She decides to focus on her kids and her career, finishing her schooling.

A spoiled playboy, Gabriel can't stand being bored. When he spends a summer studying in a small college town almost an hour from home, he meets Isabella and thinks she'd make a lovely distraction. That was the plan. And unlike the rest of his carefully plotted life, it didn't quite work out that way. Soon he finds himself invested in a doomed relationship. His father will never give them his blessing.

I'm never sure about how much plot to give away. If you'd like to read the book, it can be found on Amazon. Don't let not owning a Kindle stop you. Kindle can be downloaded on PCs, Macs, iPhones, iPads, Droids, etc. And it's free! My books, however, not. $2.99. Check it out. Tell your friends. And let me know what you think of my first cover. Cool, huh?


  1. Oooh, I LOVE the cover art! The story sounds like an intriguing take on the traditional fairy tales -- more true to life than glass slippers and singing creatures. ;)

  2. So cool. You are DOING it. I love this.

  3. Yay! So glad you guys like it. It's really exciting moving forward with my life.
