Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Dreamers have faith

That's what today is all about.

Kenna has been having trouble with her feedings.  And she never had trouble with feeding before the NEC. 

It's troubling.

As I write, she is NPO.  In layman's terms, she can't eat anything.  And she hasn't been able to eat anything since yesterday evening. 

I was there just after her five o'clock feeding to hold her.  We do that every day.  And so I went and snuggled my baby.  It's a super special time.  I cherish every moment of it.  I was feeling guilty for a while.  I was the only one in the pod who was able to hold her child.  And I knew the other parents would look at me longingly.  Finally, all the other babies are big enough, stable enough to get held.  And I looked around the pod at all of us moms holding our babies and just beaming.  It was perfect.

What wasn't perfect was listening to the doctor tell me that they had run a bunch of tests on Kenna.  I will admit I held my breath for a moment as I waited for the results.  I knew Kenna looked good, but sometimes that means that she needs a transfusion.  Only this time, all the test looked good.  There is no sign of infection.

Still, they are doing gut rest.  And my nurse, one of my primaries, the same one who caught the NEC, has asked that they do a GI study.  She knows Kenna.  She knows my baby loves to eat.  And so we hope that the results will give us an idea, assuming that they agree to do this.

So, we wait. Only I'm not really worried.  Kenna is tough.  The doctors and nurses are observant and talented and so dedicated to a positive outcome.  And we have so many people thinking good things and praying prayers of strength and healing.  What do I have to worry about? 

Yeah, I can't think of anything either.  I'll just keep everyone aware of what's going on.  I'll just keep on loving Kenna through it.  And I'll just keep believing that this is just another speed bump along her long journey home.

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