Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy Passport Day!

Yup. That's what today is all about.

We're going to be heading out shortly to work on getting our much needed passports. It's something that we have been discussing for some time, but now with our future on steroids...we must go NOW.

See, our life is getting busier and busier. Our time schedule for departure is up in the air based on so many factors out of our control. The only thing we can do is prepare.

So, every day we prepare a little more. We plan a little more. We are doing loads of research.

And I have to tell you...I'm dying to tell you. I really want to Tweet and Facebook and just share our plans all over the web.

But I can't yet.

I'm afraid.

Silly, huh?

These words seem ridiculous coming from a woman who moved 1000 miles in the dark of night with two children depending on her and a pittance to support them. It isn't that I'm afraid of what we're planning. No, that part is wholly exciting.

I'm afraid to speak the words aloud and somehow jinx the plan. I'm afraid that if I speak about it, somehow, it will all blow up in my face and never come to fruition.

Soon. Really soon.

I will gladly reveal all because that's the purpose of this blog. This is the spot I haven't told my friends and family about. This is where I can openly discuss without fear of my dream killers.

But for now...passports.


  1. Best of luck :) There are so many dreams hidden behind passports. Can't wait to hear!

  2. @Renee...And some dreams are bigger than others...

    @Krys...Nope. It doesn't even look like me. I'm not sweating it, since I have come to accept that I'm not photogenic. ;)

  3. So this is some secret hush-hush blog? I feel so honored! =) I hope your dreams come true soon.

  4. Meredith! You found me. ;)

    Yeah, we are trying to keep it quiet until it all comes together. Things are going to get very interesting very soon.

    Stay tuned!
