Monday, March 28, 2011

She's a beauty!

Yes, we still have a debate about the name of our girl. He wants something Celtic. And in all honesty, we've been too busy trying to figure out how to outfit it.
See there...the hatch opens to allow in some fresh air. Nothing worse than a stuffy cabin.
This is the v-berth by night...which can sleep two. You can't tell, but it's freshly upholstered. And all the teak...freshly stained. It's so pretty.
And this is the master bedroom, tucked behind the ladder and behind the galley. Yes, that is an air conditioner. It's remote controlled. We'll be nice and comfy in the Caribbean with that bad boy.

To the right, the head. We have a porta-potty. And we have a sink to brush our teeth. We'll probably be helping each other shower on deck since there's no shower. All the marinas have showers, it will only be an issue at sea.

We have much work and learning to do. We need to make her our own. We'll be adding some color in the form of decorative accents. And we'll be adding some shelving and storage to make the liveaboard more liveable.

I can't wait. It's going to be like camping on water. It's everything I like about camping improved.

So very happy...

PS. The slide show in the the sidebar...all us and our boat. Sam's a beauty, too, huh? Our slide show will grow with time...


  1. April showers bring May flowers, and Mayflowers bring pilgrims. ;) I was going to include this on my comment on your Suddenly Single Journey blog today, but I decided it might be more appropriate here because I don't know how many people know about your sailing plans over there. Here? Totally safe to make the pun -- I think.

    She looks like a lot of fun. Hmm, a celtic theme. I'll bet you could find something fun working under those parameters. In fact, I'd imagine you could do some celtic designs on her, too!

  2. I like the way you think. I still need to convince Sam that Caribbean and Sonador are the way forward though. Wish me luck!

  3. Wow, I love it!! looks awesome. And I love the celtic theme too!

  4. Thanks, Jolene! There's room for four...
