Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Dreamers deal with distractions

Wow.  It's late.

I'm normally posting much earlier than this, but we've had a few distractions.  Sam is leaving in a bit to sign a contract.  We are really looking forward to working on this house.  It is a Hardie siding project and the house is going to look AMAZING when it is done.  The family wanted to keep the house natural looking in its woodsy setting and opted to cover the entire home in cedar shake impressions that really speak to this Adirondack girl.

So, we had a lot of work to accomplish in that department lately.  There was much research and many meetings.  It's a big job that requires much attention to detail.  And, thereby, much of my attention and Sam's.

I have tried to drink the special tea that Earth Mama Angel Baby sent me no fewer than three times.  Yes, that is how many times I have reheated it this morning.  And that is no reflection on the tea, but on the kind of morning I'm having.  I keep prioritizing and losing.  Moms are never the priority.

I had to call this morning to find out how Kenna was doing.  I held her last night, which was a surprise.  And I cherished every moment of it.  She was all squirmy and cooing.  I loved it.  I could have held her all night.  And once she comes home, I will.  We don't currently have a mattress for the crib, which I have assured Sam will be a non-issue.  This baby is going to live in my arms for a while since I have so much lost time to make up for.

So, when I discovered that she is moving to CPAP today...I was pleased and scared.  I know it's the logical next step.  I know she has been making huge strides.  I'm just...a nervous mother who wants her baby to be okay.  And so I posted the status on Facebook.

And now I'm trying to make a little time for me.  I thought I'd drink my tea...have a shower...fold some laundry...pump.  I have a book review to write and a bunch of SEO articles that still beg completion.  We've been a little busy.

Then I was sucked into a Brazilian Butt Lift workout infomercial.  I used to have a nice body...before kids.  And luckily Sam loved me even with my post kid body.  Oh, but since I'm not having any more children...it's time to get my body back.  So, I watched that infomercial and toyed with the idea of investing in me.

And that's when I remembered that I hadn't even had the tea...which I actually enjoy drinking.  It is an interesting blend of herbs that are supposed to help me with my milk issue.  Apparently some of my friends at Earth Mama Angel Baby knew I was having issues and sent me a couple of boxes of the Organic Milkmaid Tea...and some Nipple Butter, which makes Sam giggle when he says it or even looks at the box.  I love that man.

We have another big busy day ahead of us.  And I can't wait to see what happens next.  Will she or won't she get a new exercise video series to replace the one Bishop ate?  Will she or won't she remember to drink her tea so that Kenna gets the best food for her growing body?  Will she or won't she get all her writing done? 

Stay tuned.  And I'll try to stay focused.


  1. Mmm, I think I know the flavor of the tea. It's minty, isn't it? But I love some good herbal infusions. Incidentally, that Brazilian Butt Lift thing looks pretty interesting. If you get it, you should review it for the rest of us. ;)

  2. Mmmm...tea. I gave that up with the first injection last month. I guess I can have tea again since well..

    Yup, time for you to start thinking of you. Take care of yourself dear. Kenna is going to keep you quite busy for a long time to come.
