Friday, February 3, 2012

Dreamers deal with pumping problems

I know this sounds ridiculous.  For some reason, I have discovered that I don't have a pumping lifestyle.  I really don't.

I, supposedly, work from home.  And yet...I can't get on a schedule.

Take Wednesday, for example.

I woke up and pumped as soon as Keenan left for school.  Then we had a meeting an hour later in the garage.  So, I should have been able to pump every three hours.  Only, the meeting went long.  And so I went over the three hour plan.  I pumped as soon as I could.  Then I was trying to get the next pump in before the next meeting in the afternoon...which was unplanned.  And it didn't happen.  I had to wait until that meeting was done.  So, I went HOURS before I was able to pump.  Then we made a trip to the hospital.  It was great seeing Kenna.  It was once again a pumping delay.  Yes, there are pump rooms at the hospital.  And no, I don't like using them.  They are like stepping into the arctic.

I tried to be philosophical.  I convinced myself that there was always tomorrow.  Only tomorrow didn't turn out much better.

There was an estimate that I had to go on.  Oh, and the estimate was near a repair that Sam had to go on so...we both went.  And my only option was to pump in the truck.  It's a lousy option, but it was warmer than the pumping rooms.

We stopped to grab a bite to eat before the estimate.  And when I came out of the Taco Bell, Sam and the truck were gone.  Yup, right next door was a Valvoline.  And the truck needed an oil change.  And there went my pump spot.  I had to use the bathroom at the place.  As soon as I walked in I was assaulted by fumes.  It was not my best say the least.

Kenna is 28 weeks gestational age today.  They told me she won't start nursing until 32 weeks...and then only if her respiratory issues are resolved.  Otherwise...later.

I'm trying here.  I'm really trying.  I know how important it is.  There's a distinct possibility that I'm going to need more medication to get my supply back where it should be.  And I'm trying not to get stressed or upset.  I'm trying to eat enough.  I'm trying.  I'm really trying.

Somehow this will work out.  Everything does.

Faith.  Hope.  Love.

That's what gets us through.


  1. Why do they make pumping rooms so frigid? Don't they know the cold hinders the release of milk?

    So, March 2nd is Mommy-Kenna milk bonding day (potentially)? Woohoo! Exciting prospect. =)

  2. Yeah, why are the pumping rooms so cold?
