Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Dreamers celebrate successes

On Kenna's three week birthday, we had the best visit ever.  Seriously.

From the moment we walked over, Kenna was active and excited to see us.  She was all squirmy and determined to make eye contact.  And daddy had her over stimulated for about an hour.  He kept talking to her and her heart would jump and her O2 sats would go through the roof.  She was so excited.

So while daddy was getting her all crazy, I talked with nurse doom.  She took care of Kenna all day and will be with her again today.  I have to tell you, she's no longer nurse doomy.  Now she's all nurse optimist.  See, that's what I do.  I turn people.  You should have seen Sam three and a half years ago.  Don't believe me?  Ask Vicki. 

Anyway...nurse optimist told me all about how Kenna has been doing.  She told me that Kenna had been having a great day, that they had been adjusting her settings and were weaning her down off the oscillator, off the oxygen.  And I noticed that the settings were lower than they had been in over a week.  And she was doing so well on the feedings that they are talking about increasing them to every three hours instead of every six. 

It was a great visit. 

Sam went to grab us a drink from the cafeteria...so Kenna and I had our mother-daughter time again.  She was doing her darndest to roll over onto her side.  She was arching her back, craning her neck, and pushing with her foot against the side of her little nest.  It was pretty stinking adorable. 

And we had such a great time talking to Kenna, talking to nurse optimist...it was hard to leave.  As always.  The thing is...I keep thinking that with each day, we're getting closer to holding her.  At least, that's what I tell myself so that I hold on.

Kenna is growing.  She's getting stronger every day.  We're pretty confident that she's going to thrive.  She has shown herself to be quite the thinker already.  She has reasoned out how to remove the tape that was bothering her from her hand by using her other hand.  Not bad for a baby they have cerebral palsy concerns about.  And maybe it's too early to worry about that.

Sam tells me I worry too much.  He tells me I know too much.  And that knowledge is dangerous.  But for now...for today...we celebrate the good stuff, the progress.  We celebrate Kenna, our little warrior.  Grow, baby, grow!


  1. I love the fact that you transformed nurse doom and gloom to Miss Optomist! Sounds like another great day for Kenna. Can you touch her yet? If not, do they know when?

    1. No touching yet. Cautiously optimistic. Fingers crossed.

  2. Don't forget her names means...BEAUTIFUL, CHAMPION!!!!!!

  3. For whatever reason, I'm a bit wishy-washy this morning, so this just brought happy tears to my eyes. That's so cute that she's making such efforts to see and hear you and Sam! Even if she does turn out to have CP, it sounds to me like it won't be stopping her from living her life to the fullest. She sounds like she's strengthening her muscles like a full term baby would be doing at 3 weeks old. She's such a strong little champ and a big inspiration. <3

  4. So glad that my littlest cousin is getting better by the day. Keep it up Kenna in no time you'll be home with mom and dad.

  5. This is a fantastic post. I'm so glad that Kenna is getting stronger every day.
