Thursday, January 12, 2012

This dreamer is falling apart

Kenna's resting under the billi lights...
Usually I pride myself on holding it together.  And right now...not so much.

I'm in the hospital, which isn't bothering me a bit, which is an indication of just how badly I really am doing, I suppose.  I'm frustrated because I can't keep track of anything.  And part of the reason for that is that I want to do nothing but sleep.

My Percocet makes me want to sleep.  And the Regulin for the milk supply makes me want to sleep.  And because of all that...I find myself nodding out all the time.  And then I have to glance at the clock.   I'm dreaming and now talking to my dreams.   I've caught myself doing this twice.

It's not like me.  And I'm bit happy about it.  Part of me wants to simply go to bed and wake up sharp once more.  The other part considers that I may not be sharp for some time. 

And if it is the meds, there's nothing to be done about it.  I need the pain pills.  I need the Regulin.  And in reality, I also need sleep.  It's just impossible to get it while I have so much going on around here.

I've called to check on Kenna.  She is doing pretty well, all things considered.  And I'm considering everything.  We are waiting on some labs.  We have results of others.  Her day is going well.  Her night ended well.  My little toughy is hanging in there.  It makes me happy. 

I'll be happier, too, when the doctor comes over to check on my stomach...which is bruised and red and tender to touch and warm.  Just when things were finally settling down, I need an infection.  Sam is really worried.  And he's bothered by how long it's taking to find anything.  Me, too.   Every delay is a delay of my departure. 

And while I like being here, being close to Kenna, I have a family at home that needs me, too.  Man, do they need me.  The house has needed dusting for weeks.  And I've still boon doing the laundry.  I love Sam, but I just don't like adding to his burdens in the form of extra work.

Soon enough, all of this will pass.  Soon enough, I'll be good as new and Kenna will be on the mend.  It will be months before she comes home.  I don't care.  Whatever it takes.  No matter what.  I just want her home...healthy, happy, and strong.  We can't ask for more than that.


  1. You are one the strongest woman I will ever know. I have known you for 17+ years and seen you fight through troubled times, more than one person ever should. This too, will be a battle that you will WIN. Kenna is part of you, therfore she is a warrior, ready for a fight,(she has shown that already). keep your head up my friend and know, we are all praying for this to battle to end. Love You.

  2. Girl... just get your rest. Our prayers will take care of all of you!

  3. Don't rush your time in the hospital, you need to mend. Sam and Keenan are big boys now and know how to fend for themselves. Don't let the guilt of not being there for them and being ALL for them eat a you. They still will love you even if you can't lift a finger to help them. Try to relax and get some good sleep, quality sleep. Love you Nicki.

  4. I have been catching up on my blog reading and oh my goodness now I find this. Sending you prayers and hugs and light and love and healing rainbows and whatever in the heck else I can think of. (Ok, I don't know what a healing rainbow is, but it sounded good.)

    You. Are. Strong. Please take care.

    I am also sending my heartfelt congratulations on the birth of your new little one. She is strong and beautiful like her mama.

  5. Do whatever it takes to stay strong. If you must, think of Kenna's first Christmas. I'm certain she'll be home for her first Christmas, and I'm certain she'll be at least 10 or 15 pounds by then. She'll have her cute baby's first Christmas gear, and I'll bet she'll even have some sort of mashed or strained food to mush around in her mouth. You'll have tons of pictures of her covered in baby food, smiling about all the new flavors and textures. Right now, she may be making due with a medical environment with tubes and wires, but this will pass. Please take care of yourself and know that there are so many people around who will help take care of you and yours. I'm willing to bet the Bubble will organize a "food train" to make life a lot easier. And don't be afraid to ask for help. It'll be okay, trust me. We all care about you very much and will share our love and help. <3
