Thursday, January 5, 2012

Dreamers use distractions to their advantage

It's a proven fact.  Time and pain are best managed with distractions.

When I was younger, my mother did a fine job of keeping us busy so that we never noticed those long vacation days before Christmas.  As I grew older, staying busy has never been a problem.

Ah, but life on bed rest is different.  Sometimes I feel every minute of every day.  At seems that way.  And because the pain has become an almost constant, I have learned how to manage the time and the pain with distractions.

As I write this, I congratulate myself for having gone so long without pain meds.  Don't get too excited.  I am limited to acetaminophen until Kenna is clear of the womb.  The trick is to not let the pain get out of control.  Yet another aspect of my life has become all about finding balance.  I have to balance not taking meds too soon with not waiting too long.

I have my word games that I play.  I have my Facebook time that I take.  And I cruise the web here and there as I plan what to do next.  New projects.  Searching for new inspiration.  And all of that works to help me keep my mind off the pain.

If I play it right, I can still manage to get lots of work done while I cope with all of this.  I have about completed a month of SEO writing.  I like that.  And that means that all that I need to focus on now are the extras.  The sponsored blog posts.  And I'm doing okay with that.  I may even have time to work on the next novel that I hope to complete.

Life is becoming more manageable.  I'm happy.  I'm calm.  And even though on paper I'm looking worse, I feel like I'm doing better.  Be blessed.  And find your positive distraction.


  1. Chronic pain is something that unfortunately you do get used to. I know all too well with having fibromyalgia and a bunch of other issues with my health.

    Yup, keeping your mind busy is the best way to keep your body relaxed enough to avoid the acetaminophen which never really works anyway. Its all I'm allowed to use for pain control while Trying To Conceive (TTC).

    So I sort of can understand all your pain, without the pregnant part of course, but I can also understand the injections. Boy, do I understand the injections all too well.

  2. Eesh, you can't bite on a stick or something? Poor momma! I'm glad that you have made a business out of working on a computer because at least that will keep you distracted. Thinking of you and saying lots of prayers for y'all and baby girl!
