Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dreamers see the future...with one or two eyes

Obviously not Kenna's eye.  She's too young for makeup.
I wish I had a picture.  There may be one to add later, but for now, you are just going to have to trust me on this without the definitive photographic proof...

Kenna has an eye!

Yes, we arrived at the hospital after my doctor appointment and the appointment for the blood draw per hospital protocol for Kenna's poor nurse who was stuck overnight.  I tried to stay out of the way and let Sam get first gander at our little one while I spoke to her nurse.  All of a sudden, he interrupted us.

Sam: Kenna has an eye open!

me: Oh!  Let me see.

And so I stood in front of him because I'm short and he's tall.  And he wrapped an arm around my waist because he loves me and we were sharing this really special moment together.  And Kenna stared at us with her one eye and scrunched up her eyebrows because this was a new and wonderful experience for her.

If I'd have known she was going to look at me today, I'd have showered longer.  I'd have done my hair better.  I'd have worn more makeup.  I mean, I only get one chance to make this first impression.  And now, I've blown it.

I asked Sam later...

me: Did I look okay?

Sam: You look fine.

me: I only had time for a quick shower.

He sniffed me.  He actually sniffed me.

Sam: You smell fine.

That was reassuring, but I doubt she can smell either of us yet through all that.  So, I'm hoping her vision is still foggy.  I bet it was.  And with one eye, she has no depth perception, so I have that going for me.

All I know is that we have a lot of fun when we go to the NICU.  It's not a chore.  I wish you could have seen us today.  Sam and I have to scrub our hands at the sinks for three minutes before we're allowed in.  So we started scrubbing and bubbles were flying.  Next thing you know, we're washing our hands while blowing a bubble back and forth between us, laughing and giggling.  (Okay, I was laughing and giggling, but Sam was definitely enjoying himself.)

Yesterday, they took too long before letting us in to the NICU after the surgery, so Sam ducked low and walked on tippy toes past the front desk.

nurses: Are you trying to sneak in?

Sam: Yes.  How am I doing?

Yeah, he's stealthy like that.

And we have conversations with Kenna.  I go in there and tell her stories.  Sam has learned to join in.  I've realized that he joins in a lot more than he used to.  My antics before used to almost embarrass him.  He thought I was too perky, too playful, too happy, drew too much attention.  I like to have fun.  It's not like I'm all raucous, I'm simply playful.

So we spent much of the visit frying to get a picture of the eye.  It was a game.  And I was talking to Kenna, teasing Sam because he was having no luck.

Sam: She's too quick for me.

me: Why do I have a feeling that I'm going to hear this a lot?  I can see it already.  Sam, what happened here?  And Daddy will say, "Kenna was too quick for me!"

It was a great visit, a very social time.  We had the chaplain visiting with us.  Some of our other nurses stopped by, including nurse doom...who had only nice things to say.  And we met another of Kenna's doctors.  Happiness and fun are very attractive.

That's us.  Happy and fun.  We are well aware that the bottom could fall out at any time.  We know there could be an expiration date on our miracle, our luck could end.  We know.  We'd rather be happy and celebrate all the special moments.  I don't want to miss one.  We face the sun because it feels so lovely on our face.  And we see rainbows and beauty wherever we look.  We look a lot.

Live that kind of life with one or two eyes, finding happiness wherever you go.  See how much better it is.  And for all your well wishes, warm words, and prayers as we watch Kenna grow...we thank you.


  1. I bet that was quite a moment to see her open her little eye. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and hoping for more wonderful news in the following days/weeks.

  2. Yay! I love love love this progress!!!

  3. So glad both eyes are open now! Keep updating us as you get the time. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
