Before I lived in The Bubble, I really only knew one currency. I used the dollar, and more often the debit card for every transaction in my life. It was the American way.
Then I discovered that there are some ways, ways that existed long before currency, that are even better. I live for the barter. Barter is the way of the blogger, the way of The Bubble, the best thing since sliced bread. (And we know how I like my bread...thickly sliced with butter...)
Ed across the road will do just about anything for beer. He used to cut my lawn for an 18 pack of Bud Light. He pet sits for beer. He offers chem treatments for beer. The bank account may not always be flush, but the fridge is never empty.
As a blogger, I get lots of writing opportunities. Sometimes there's a little cash involved, but more often than not, I write for swag. When I wrote about the Heart of Haiti project, I received a necklace that I wear several times a week. Yahoo! has rewarded my efforts with flowers, Target gift cards, the best blanket ever, and a free trip...
I love to barter!
And so it was that as we worked on these remodeling projects, we looked for ways to incorporate the barter. It looks like we may get our tile work done for a pool table, which not only helps us clean out the man cave, but also helps us keep more cash on hand. We need cash on hand.
Then we met with my computer guru. It just so happens he needs work done around the house. And it just so happens that Sam needs work done on his website. So, we're bartering. Looks like we'll get six months of his SEO services and we'll install some windows and hardwood flooring.
Wonder how to get more out of life, how to make your money last longer? Consider finding a way to barter for what you want and need. You must have some useful skill or something you don't want. Put it to use. Then come tell me all about it. I'm always looking for fresh bartering ideas.
I used to barter and trade for my xmas gifts when I had my on-line business. I got some of the best stuff that way too.