Friday, June 10, 2011

Dreamers dive in

Thursday is my first day working for myself. And Sam.

Some people have asked if I will be taking some time off, a little vacation before I get to work. These people clearly do not know me. Nope.

This dreamer dives right in.

I have to. Winter isn't so far away. And with winter comes an enviable lack of work. For Sam. For me, always the same amount of work...sometimes more.

I have to be in a position to stack back money or be steady through the winter. I never want to ever have to work for someone else again. Nope. I want to be the boss of me.

That's why I already have a meeting set up for Thursday. Yes, 10am Thursday morning will see me at Starbuck's near Trader Joe's meeting with a man that was a patient. He's someone I hope to do business with.

See, I'm always looking for areas to expand my writing. And one of those ways is in the travel forum. I've traveled a lot. I plan to travel more. And if I can make these experiences lucrative...all the better. That's where he comes in. Partially.

There's no time for me to take it easy yet. Ah, but if life keeps going the way I plan, then it won't feel like I'm working at all. Fingers crossed. I'm so excited to get going. These last few days of work are killing me. I'm ready to burst out into the world and soar.

Thursday. Soon enough. Almost there.


  1. So then after today, you've only got 3 days left to work for someone else. Wow! It's really about to become the dream, huh?

  2. Good Luck! But I have to mention that its not even officially Summer until 21 June. So winter is still several season away. Stop stressing. By the way, spring has yet to arrive here as today my heat again came on and I'm wearing a long sleeved sweater and pants but am thinking of adding another sweater to boot. Where the hell is my summer?

  3. @Meredith...Yup. The dream is about to become a reality. Hope I'm ready.

    @Becky...Your summer will be here soon enough. I hope. We have to catch up soon!

  4. Doh - I texted too soon about your final day of work. I hope the last three days fly by. Good luck with your new adventure!

  5. Krys, I'm training the new girl. The days are going to race by. Can't wait!
