Monday, June 6, 2011

Dreamers leap

There's this wonderful phrase that I have come to embrace...

Leap and the net will appear.

It's a bit scary, the entire concept. But it speaks to faith and self-confidence. Something about taking an enormous risk appeals to me.

I've learned.

See, I played it safe for years. I did what I was supposed to do. I married. I had children. And while I love the kids and pretty much anything having to do with my kids...I was miserable in the marriage. This is not news for anyone who knows me.

In my life, it is only when I have taken some risks that I have really reaped rewards. I have always loved writing. It is my passion. It is cathartic. It has always been my dream. When I finally took a chance and put my writing out there, I started to see the rewards of my efforts.

Soon, I had a faithful following. Soon, I had blog buddies. Soon, I had this entire network of love and support that I had never experienced before.

It gave me confidence to try more things, to put myself out there more and more. And it has paid off. I'm working with Yahoo! in several different capacities. I get paid for my freelance writing. And I even self-published on Kindle. (That's going pretty well, by the way.)

So, I'm about to take a huge leap. I'm being given the opportunity to work from home, to concentrate on writing, to live the life I've always dreamed of living. In the past, I might not have done it. I would have thought and over-thought. I would have reasoned and rationalized my way out of it. This time...I'm not.

I'm going to leap. I'm going to do what I've dreamed of for years. Wish me well. This means more novels to be published. This means more incomplete projects completed. This means my life will change dramatically. I need the change. I need to shake things up.

Let there be a platinum net...


  1. You're inspiring me. I want that too, Nicki. Just not sure how to begin....

  2. T, you are the bravest woman I know. Leap! Whatever your heart wants, go after it. Take a risk. It'll be worth the effort and the rewards. I know it.

    Big hugs!

  3. LEAP!!! You can do it, both of you. You got this. I love to see this!!

  4. Sounds divine. Wishing you that platinum net. For me I'd need a net, stunt woman, and some computer generated animation.
