Thursday, June 16, 2011

Living the dream takes practice

I'm really sucking at it, so far. Really I am.

I had a plan. The day was going to be so productive. Really it was.

Only as we all plans don't always quite work out as I intended. Dammit.

And so here I am struggling to get it together.

I've been struggling with a headache that has only grown worse. I need to break down and take something, but I'm not a pill popper. Not even ibuprofen.

My day started out behind. I slept in until 7am. It felt decadent.

I had celebrated and relaxed the night before. Instead of working on the blogs, I worked on Sam's business and did a bunch of invoicing. I worked on organizing him. And it's obvious that I'm nowhere near done. We're going to have to implement a computer program. I can feel it. And I'm not looking forward to it. These accounting programs don't run on their own. I'll be spending ridiculous amounts of time implementing them and inputting data. Dammit dammit dammit.

Once we're done, however, life will be easier. Ah, but for now...

So, the morning was a blur between me getting my Suddenly Single Journey post online and throwing in a load of laundry, getting ready for my meeting at 10am, and then the errands I had to run. Next thing you know, it's after noon and I'm headed home to do more work...not for me.

I paid the taxes. I organized the office some more. I ate. (I'll always have time for that.) I decided to catch up on my social media while I prepared to participate in the social marketing seminar at 2pm. So, I talked to Sahaja. And I talked to Rachel. And I had some messages that others want to talk.

Sam called. I had to take it. It was a minor interruption that cemented my belief that we need to get these invoices on computer. We had to check to make sure he wasn't overpaid by one of the companies. Doesn't look like it. That's good. I hate paying money back.

The day is growing late and I feel like I have accomplished...NOTHING. Well, nothing for me. I have yet to write any articles. Oh, and I have 19 due on Saturday. I have yet to work on any novels. And I need to get them finished and published...FAST!

And I'm supposed to be building up Rentable Me. I haven't so much as opened the email today.


There's a chance that I'm being too hard on myself. I do have that tendency. At the same time, I can't afford to be complacent. I can't afford to waste a minute.

Sam has given me a precious gift: the ability to stay home and write. Now, I just have to make the time to do it. It's not going to be least not as easy as I thought. When I look around, I see so many things that need doing. And I want them all done RIGHT NOW. I slacked off on the cleaning when Sam and I were on the outs. I have a lot of catching up to do.

Wish me luck.

Ummm, and if any of you work from home...want to give me some pointers? (Ahem...Jolene and Becky...)


  1. it takes adjusting to working from home. you need to pretend that you are in an office, with a 9-5 schedule, for the most part, to be most successful. As odd as that sounds. Sure, I have flexibility during the day, to do laundry, clean up, make a 'real' meal for lunch, but for the most part, I try to stick to 9-6 with an hour in there somewhere to eat and/or do errands and such. I find it is really the best way to do it (and/or do errands at 8 am, but be back by 9 working). Hope it helps! you'll get there!

  2. And even though I'm on the computer, I should probably steer clear of Skype and my phone. I love all my friends and keeping in touch, but I've got to learn to do it off the 'clock.'


    I'll get there. I think.

    Thanks for the advice, Jolene. I knew I could count on you!

  3. Argh! Lost my awesomely encouraging comment! Okay, so basically I have faith in you and that you're just finding your groove now. It'll get easier, I'm sure. You're very resourceful, so I know you've got this. Keep forging forward!

  4. Meredith, awesomely encouraging comment or no, I love your support. We still have to talk! And yes, I answer my phone during the day. So...sometime after Saturday's deadline? Huh? Pretty please?

