Monday, June 6, 2011

Dreamers embrace change

There are changes afoot.

Lots of them.

There are changes around the house. There are changes in my career. There are changes with the kids. Everywhere...changes.

And the thing about dreamers...we embrace change. We have to. There is no way to achieve dreams and follow dreams and grow without great change.

So, I'm not just willing to cope with the changes that we're facing, but I'm looking forward to them. I have so few days of work left and I can't wait to start the next chapter in my life. Keenan has expressed an interest in moving back sooner than later. And the house has never been so peaceful.

Seriously. Life is falling into place.

Don't worry. I'm not taking any of it for granted. I know that just as easily my life can come crashing to a halt. I know that it can completely implode. I know that this peace, this calm, this comfort, this happiness could be fleeting. But I refuse to live in fear. It's no way to live. It's a half life at best. And I have a whole lot of life to live. Can't do it halfway.

I'm going for big risks and big rewards.


  1. YESSS!!! I love this kind of talk from you. GO FOR IT, GIRL!!!

  2. YOU embrace change SO much better than me. I love my routine. It's going to be part of my post love affair with routine and my fear of change. You are a champ!

  3. @Sahaja...It's easy to go for it with so much support.

    @Jolene...You change your routines all the time. Baby steps. You can do ANYTHING.
