Monday, April 4, 2011

Our next naming ceremony

I have always understood the importance of a name, finding the right name, the power of a name. Reading Ursula K. LeGuin's The Rule of Names only cemented it for me. To name a thing is to control it.

And so it is that we have had various namings through the last three years. We had that lizard who lived in the drop down ceiling. Gross, huh? And we had the fish that lived, albeit briefly, in the fountain...Belly Up and Floater. (We may have only gotten to the actual naming at their burial at sea...) There was the name selection for Bishop, our Great Dane. And we had a gaggle of kittens that needed naming. We're still coping with Ninja, who only lives up to her name when sneaking out of the house. The rest of the time she's the noisiest ninja EVER.

So that brings us to the boat.

Part of what made this boat super perfect, in my eyes, was that we would be naming her. I love a good naming. And so I thought of and researched variations of what I thought I wanted. I thought I wanted 'Dreamer.' This boat, is after all, our dream. Some of you even weighed in with different translations. Many thanks!

And then Sam and I had a talk the other night. It was one of our deep highly moving conversations.

Sam: For the first time in my life, I don't have a back up plan. I don't have a Plan B. It just seemed like if I had one, it would be bad for us. I don't want an out. I want you, forever.

We were sitting on the screen porch. It was just about dusk. And every once in a while I would see a flicker that would suggest the fireflies were beginning to reappear. The sky was gorgeous. The weather...ideal. The man, my dream. It was damn near perfect.

We went inside for a moment so I could pour a margarita. I was so happy, feeling so playful.

me: I have a Plan Sea.

He looked at me, almost stricken, and I smiled.

me: I spell it S-E-A.

He beamed.

Sam: I like it. Plan Sea.

me: It might make a good name for a boat.

Sam: That's perfect. It's clever. I like it.

And so when we go to register her on the 15th, she will henceforth be known as 'Plan Sea.' She's our perfect starter boat. I can't wait to get started.


  1. Plan Sea! So cute! I love it! Great thinking, Nicki! =)

  2. I LOVE THE NAME!!!! what a great idea :)

  3. Aww thanks, guys! I always feel better with a little positive feedback.

  4. Plan Sea is SO AWESOME! I liked S's idea of choosing a Celtic name, but you were guaranteed to have to be translating it and coaching pronunciation ever after. Plan Sea is clever, original... and perfect.

  5. Thank you, Krys! I really value your opinion. You haven't steered me wrong...ever!

  6. I LOVE THAT NAME! Wow. How perfect!
