Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ship wrecked

I was pretty distraught Monday over the huge disappointment of dealing with the IRS. I get really frustrated when things go wrong and they aren't my fault and they are completely out of my control to fix. So...there were tears. And I swore like a sailor, although I feared I might never actually be a sailor.

But...and this I am patting myself on the back for...

I didn't touch a drop of alcohol to self-medicate. And I didn't eat my feelings.

I don't have a problem with alcohol, nothing like that, but when I'm sad, alcohol only amplifies it for me. And when I'm sad, I only eat more. None of that was going to help me get into a bikini this summer.

So, yay me for staying on the dieting wagon.

We were pretty wrecked over the boat. We were thinking it meant canceling everything. Only...it didn't. We ended up talking to the boat owner. He was really understanding. He said we could stay on the boat for the weekend and sail with our instructor who is fast becoming our friend. And I guess that's what we're going to do.

The plans are still on. And I feel better. The website is launched. And I feel better. I'm even starting to meet with potential clients. So I really feel better.

Who knows? Maybe by the end of the month the check will have arrived, or we will have signed up enough sponsors and clients to pay for the boat regardless, or our prime junk will sell.

Hey, it could happen. I've hit one of life's many sandbars. We're getting it together. We'll make it through. Somehow, we always do. And when we do, we'll be wiser and stronger and hopefully thinner. (Well, I will be, anyway...) Fingers crossed.


  1. Yay for you! I think you can get past this sandbar, you have gotten through so many bigger and harder ones! You got this!

  2. There will always be roadblocks testing just how badly you want something. Have faith. Know it.

    You'll be sailing in no time!

  3. Have fun with the sailing instruction.

  4. @Jolene...Fingers crossed!

    @T...Trying to keep the faith. I've been laden with doubts today, but I want this BAD.

    @Becky...Maybe someday...the Puget Sound?

  5. I'm glad to know that the boat hasn't been completely derailed by the @#$%#$ing IRS. This weekend will be the real start to your adventure!!

  6. Krys, I'm not going to let The Man keep me down. ;) The adventure is on.
