Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dreamers dig deep

Yup. That's what dreamers do.

We have a goal in mind and we know that in order to achieve it, we have to work toward it. We have to make it happen. These things don't just come to fruition all by themselves. They need a gentle nudge or even a full on shove in the right direction.

So, when I decided that I needed to pursue being published and go the self-publishing route through Amazon, and when I decided I really wanted to pursue working from home, I knew none of this would come easily. In my life, nothing does.

I'm used to it. I have been told it builds character. In that case, I'm just dripping with character. It's positively oozing out of my pores.

We're all about some blood, sweat, and tears around here.

I remember that line from Empire Record where Liv Tyler's character talks about having 24 usable hours in every day. Of course, we later discover that she's a speed freak. Regardless, she made great use of her time.

That's what I try to do. As I write this, activity is happening all around me. Sam was working on the truck, but since he has to wait on Ed to get some of the tools he needs... he's on the garage couch resting. Bishop is wandering just outside the garage, trying to figure out how he can best get into trouble, no doubt. And a fan is blowing on me....thankfully.

I've spent the better part of all my free time writing and revising, formatting my novels. I've spent time at work. I've spent time in training.

And you'd think I'd be getting thinner, since the one thing I am not spending time doing is eating. Oh, don't get me wrong, I still manage to squeeze that in. It's simply that meals are not the priority. Unfortunately, neither is exercise. I do have to sleep sometimes.

I'm not minding all the hard work. For some reason, I am convinced it is about to lead to a big payoff. Maybe even a huge payoff. We'll see. All I know is that I can't let up. Not one little bit. I'm just going to keep pressing on until I achieve what I set out to do.

How close are you to achieving your dreams?


  1. Shh! Don't ask that question! Let me just live vicariously through you for now. ;)

  2. Okay, Meredith. I'll give you a minute...then it's time for you live, too!
