Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Dreamers see inspiration everywhere

We have to.

It takes a lot to sustain dreams.

So, it's no wonder that I found this fantastic little quote on Twitter to keep me going the other morning:

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."
-Henry David Thoreau

Yeah. It was perfect. It could become my new mantra.

That's precisely what I'm doing. I'm moving forward with my biggest dream: being a successful author. After just a few days, it's a start. I started work with a company today that will help me find bloggers to promote the books. We know how important that is. And I'm working on learning how to market myself and the books better.

I don't have enough reach yet. It's improving, constantly, but still. I have a lot to learn and a long way to go.

On the bright side, I have time. I have nothing but time to myself most evenings. I get to work whenever I want with only a few furry distractions. I get to go to bed when I want and get up when I want. I get to be as loud as I want, stumbling around in the dark. Life is good. I'm happier.

Sure, there are moments of weakness, but they are brief. And I have to allow myself time to grieve for the life I no longer am going to have. At the same time, I now have the freedom to create a better life, a bigger life. I don't have anyone holding me back. And when I finally find someone to share my life with, he won't be the kind of guy to hold me back, either. He'll offer me love and support, just like all the heroes in my books.

For now, I'll get lost in my writing. I'll keep dreaming my big dreams. I'll seek out inspiration and spend time with inspiring people. I see so much good in people, in my life, in my future. And I know I'm blessed to have so many wonderful individuals to share my life with.

Where do you find your inspiration?


  1. Strange, that is the quote I have on the backround of my computer/itouch to keep me motivated. It does keep me going when I forget where I am headed. Id love for it to do the same for you. Keep writing, keep going. Keep loving.

  2. Don't worry, Sahaja, I will. It'll take a lot more than this to keep me down. :)

  3. Moments of weakness are ok. cut yourself some slack my dear :) Inspiration? In actions. In doing. In moving forward. Exactly what you are doing!

  4. I find myself inspiration from you, from nature, from my family, from shared articles and quotes, and from anywhere I can glean a bit of inspiration. Music is good, too. And walks. I've since decided that my walks aren't going to be based on weight loss. If the pounds and inches come off, that's great. If not, the walks are still good for me. They still help me clear my head and find my happy. They still make me feel good from the fresh air and endorphins. In fact, scrolling up and reading Sahaja's comment about having a quote on a desktop background inspires me to make a motivation/ vision "board" background for my desktop. Oh, the possibilities! The key is to keep that inspiration going. Many factors, such as money, attempt to derail my inspiration. S and his nonsense are trying to derail you, but don't let them. Keep that fire going. S can go eff himself. ;)
