Thursday, May 5, 2011

There's something about having a passport

It makes me long to travel.

I have signed up through the years for various offers. And it seems as though my inbox is constantly inundated with opportunities for vacations at deeply discounted prices. And some of these prices include airfare. And I love to fly.

See, it didn't bother me so much in the past. Before this, I knew I couldn't get too worked up over any of those glorious Caribbean locales. I couldn't then...because I didn't have a passport. Oh, but's different.

Have passport. Dying to travel.

Of course, I have no money to do this. I'm still waiting on a check that may not come for weeks from the IRS. And I have so many other places that my money needs to go. That doesn't make it any less appealing.

After all, I'm a dreamer. And if there's anything dreamers do's dream about all the places they'd like to go and all the things they'd like to do.

So lately, I've been thinking about...
  • The Dominican Republic

  • plotting trips to every place with a Margaritaville

  • hopping on a cruise ship

  • trying out the all-inclusive resorts

  • writing the coolest travel blog eva!

  • visiting Greece and Italy

  • warm chocolate crepes in Paris (they have crepe vendors like we have hot dog vendors!)

  • gelatto. lots and lots of gelatto.

  • swimming with dolphins

  • watching the baby turtles hatch

  • sailing to Isla Margarita...because it has to be named after my favorite drink

I want a passport loaded with stamps. I want a mind filled with happy memories of all the places I've been, all the marvelous things I've done, and all the wonderful people I've met along the way. In time. With some patience and careful planning. I can do this. I feel it.

For now, nourishing the dream.

Help a dreamer out...

Where's one place you wouldn't want me to miss in my travels?


  1. I want my passoport filled with stamps too!! All of those places look fantastic!! I love the Margaritaville idea! Hmm...go to Hawaii. Kauai, to be specific. I loved it, would go back in a flash, if I could. Go to the Greek Isles...tops on my list to go to...

  2. My sister is going to Italy and Greece on Wednesday for 10 days, and I'm super jealous. Luckily, she plans to bring me back some goodies. Italian goodies. Drinkable goodies. Intoxicating goodies. Well, okay, the marsala is for tasting a nip before making chicken marsala and classic tiramisu. The chianti, however, is SO for savoring every last drop!

    Oh, I'm sorry, I'm becoming entranced with thoughts of Italian swag. ;) Your ginger might enjoy a trip to Ireland. It's cold and damp, from what I hear, but the greenery is amazing. Australia is one of my favorite "some day" places, as is Japan (although you may need to postpone that for a while). While in the Caribbean, be sure to stop at Puerto Rico. Everything my aunt and some friends have told me leads me to believe you'd have an incredible time there. I know you'd love to go to Costa Rica, so you should! And when you've got a bunch of money, there are fabulous spas down there that would be so divine!

  3. *cough,cough* Hungary *cough cough*...strolls away casually, whistling.... ;)
