Monday, May 9, 2011

Dreamers hope

That's what we do.

We hope. And we keep on hoping. We find that little fire inside, that small spark, and we nourish it.

It isn't always easy.

There are those out there who would like to kill our dreams. There are those who have forgotten how to dream, how to hope for a different life, something better than merely existing. And so they try to keep us dreamers grounded. They try to blow out our flame.

Never let that happen.

Want some hope? it is.

Life can be better. It can be everything you dream it to be. Just dream it and do it. Make it happen. Expect to hit some stumbling blocks, but work through them. Evaluate the dream, then dream some more.

I'm living my biggest dream ever. Right now. Even though life isn't's coming around. I'm about to have every little thing I've wanted. I really am. You know what I want...ask me. I'm getting it.

And it all started with the simple swing.

We went to Lowe's the other weekend. Sam surprised me.

Sam: Design a swing set. I'll build it for you.

He knows how much it means to me. He promised me a swing set so very long ago. Worrying over whether or not we could keep the house prevented any building from taking place. Worrying if we were going to make it prevented any building from taking place. Lack of money... Well, you get the idea.

Only things are different now. We are building my swingset. He says he'll even swing with me. I can't wait.

And there's more. With me, there always is. It will have to wait for another day...another post. For now...just dream.

What's your biggest dream? Share it with me. You should never dream alone.


  1. Thank you for the reminder/ encouragement. ::big hugs::

  2. Keep building that swingset!! Live the dream, own it. you deserve it.

  3. dreams are for dreamers, hopes are for the hopeless.
