Sunday, May 1, 2011

I'm listening

I'm listening to his actions, which speak louder than his words. I'm listening to my heart, that has never steered me wrong. I'm listening to you, who look out for me even from afar.

I hear...the fear. You worry that I forgive too much. You worry that I sell myself short. You worry that he'll never change. You worry that he can't maintain. You worry that he'll simply hurt me again.

All those worries...valid. All of them. All worries I've had myself.

I hear...the hope. Maybe this time he'll figure it out. Maybe this time he'll follow through. Maybe this time he'll realize that it's safe with love, to be loved, to stop holding back. Maybe we really can have everything we want. Maybe.

All those maybes...pieces of hope. I'm feasting on hope.

Most of all...I hear what he's saying with his words and actions. These days, he's talking. He tells me things I already know. He tells me he can't imagine his life with anyone else. He tells me that I'm the only one he lets in, the only one he gives everything to. He tells me that my happiness is the most important thing to him. That's all well and good.

I've heard these things before.

Ah, but then there's his actions. He promised me a swing set so very long ago. I think it was soon after I moved in. In moments of extreme stress, I tend to run to the nearest playground. It is only there that I am able to relax and release. I swing and all is well once more. I am able to function, to think, to move forward, to press on. It's a silly thing, me and swings.

And so he offered to build me a swing set. I didn't ever really expect him to follow through. It's the life of a contractor. They either have time and no money, or money and no time. So time went on and there was no swing. And I never pushed. I had bigger things to worry about than a silly swing.

Then it was Friday. We had just found out the house was saved. He looked at me as we sat on the couch.

Sam: Let's build you that swing set.

me: Okay.

But okay was more like...really?

He told me to design my swing set and decide where to put it. I did. So we went and picked up the lumber. And we picked out the swings. We bought the hardware. We brought it home.

Then Sam and Ed tore down the basketball hoop that was centered right about where the swing set is supposed to go. So far, blood, sweat, and tears. That's right. Sam tore open his calf. Blood was dripping down his leg. It was about 85 degrees and he was covered in sweat. As for the Pure unadulterated joy. He's following through.

Baby steps. One day at a time. Savoring each moment in time. That's what life is all about...relishing the moments.


  1. I will channel your hope for you, as I don't want to see you hurt again. Baby steps are good. one day at a time. XO.

  2. Can you do me a favor and read this book too?

    I'm reading it right now. Very easy read. Tiny book.

    Let me know if you relate to it like I did.

    That's all. I'm all about hope. I'm all about believing in someone. I believe in you.

  3. Not my business, but a few of actions I'd like you to see: him deleting his ex-girlfriend's number from his phone, him deleting his ex from facebook and from his e-mail address book, him promising not to see her (or any of them) again...and so on. You get the idea. Some guys can be platonic friends with their exes. I totally get that. But when there are secrets kept from their current partners, perhaps there shouldn't be friendships with exes.

    I totally understand forgiveness and I understand second chances. I understand how they can work (which is what I hope for you two!!) and I understand how they can flop (which is what appears to be happening to me). So here's hoping that you get all of the love in life that you so richly deserve!! :-)

  4. How much did it cost to build it from scratch? I know how much the prebuilt and Ikea-ish sets cost -- I'm wondering if this is a cheaper option. My kids miss the playground we had right in the apartment complex.

    As I said over on Suddenly Single Journey, you're right in that only you can make the decision to stay or go. We're here to offer support regardless of what you choose. ::big hugs::

  5. @Jolene...lots of baby steps. :)

    @T...I'll check out the book. And I see where you're going with this...

    @Anonymous...He doesn't have Facebook. He doesn't email. And there have been promises. Let's see if he keeps them. Only time will tell.

    @ far...$189...including the Pepsi he bought at the check out. I'm sure you can find cheaper, but he wanted us to build our own from scratch.

  6. He doesn't have facebook and you've checked? He doesn't email - are you checking to see? Are you going to always be checking for text messages, who was he just talking to on the phone? He said he was at work, was he really? Do you want to be that're better than that. I've been there - it's a lousy roller coaster ride of emotions.

  7. @Anonymous...We live together. In the last fifteen months, aside from work, he has only been away from me three times: a pre-season football game, skeet shooting before the Superbowl, and the movie almost two weeks ago. I'm not going to be the girl who checks his phone. And I don't have to ask who he's talking to. He tells me. He wants this to work.

    I've been the girl who was sick to her stomach, constantly worried, never knew where her husband was. I swore I'd never go down that path again. And I haven't. If I thought he needed a babysitter, I'd take myself out of the equation. What he needed was time out, which I get. The way he went about getting it...completely wrong. And we've discussed this. I'm not riding that roller coaster ever again.
