Monday, May 16, 2011

A new day, new novel

Yesterday I was all about promoting the new novel with its cover: First a Dream. I love my cover artist, Donna Casey. She's possibly one of my best finds to date. She's fast and she's good. We're just beginning a long relationship. Yup. Wouldn't take much for it to last longer than previous one.


Well, I had a rough evening. I discovered that Sam is planning on buying the boat without me. And since that was my dream, it was like a knife in the heart. And though I have been doing fan-freakin'-tastic up until now, I cried. Maybe I just needed to. Maybe it's part of the grieving process. At least, that's what I'm going with. Yup. I'm mourning what could have been, should have been, and what will never be. It hurt enough for me to text him that I officially hate him.

I just felt...betrayed.

Much like Sarah did in Worth the Wait when she walked toward her car one morning, glanced inside her husband's vehicle and discovered a Victoria's Secret bag with lingerie not for her. At that moment, she knew her marriage was in trouble. Later that night when she went to her husband's restaurant and found him kissing the other woman, she knew her marriage was over.

It was then that her good friend, Brian, swooped in to help her pick up the pieces. In fact, he seemed to magically appear whenever he was needed. The trouble with having male friends, however, is that eventually they all seem to want more. And Sarah wasn't sure that she was ready for that. To make matters worse, she discovers her mother has been less than forthcoming about her heritage and she's dealing with a crazy stalker.

This novel is darker than First a Dream. I have tried a lot of different styles. Eventually, I'll find my niche. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy my efforts. I have to admit, I don't write with a reader in mind. I write because it has to come out, because I have a story to tell. And I do love telling stories.

Recently, I have been bolstered in my efforts. I have received some high praise from one of the women who purchased First a Dream. She emailed to say she doesn't normally read romance novels, but she purchased it because she likes my writing style on the blog. Apparently she was so engrossed in reading, she didn't even notice her elliptical had timed out. So, apparently, I can make your workout painless. There's that...

Visit my author page on Kindle. The books are moving up the charts. Thanks for all the support!


  1. LOVE the cover! And the book sounds amazing. I will check it out.

  2. Another beautiful cover! That must feel so warm and toasty to put with your beautiful words. =)

  3. Thanks, guys! It's always a little scary putting myself out there like that. So nice to ahve your love and support. That's what feels warm and toasty...

  4. I will definitely check your novels out. I'm usually more of a dense 800 page historical novel type of girl, but I look forward to reading you! I'm excited that your moving up the charts!

  5. Thanks, Krys! Can't wait to hear your assessment. :)
