Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I got the job


I walked into the interview. I wasn't stressed or scared or worried or nervous. I wanted it. I knew I could do it...whatever 'it' was. And I seem to have nailed it.

Maybe it's because I have a rather impressive writing resume. Maybe it's because I'm confident in my writing abilities. Maybe it's because Sam is confident in my writing abilities, too.

Sam: When it comes to writing, I have absolute faith in you. You are very talented.

So before I had even left the interview, I was being offered the position. And it started last night. Well, the training started last night. The actual job won't start until next week.

I'm going to be working some pretty crazy hours. That's what happens when you are interviewing business people in Australia. Guess I'll adapt. And I'll learn to say things like...g'day, mate! Or, I'll just be myself and that will have to be enough.

After this week of training, I will only be working three nights a week. And after three weeks of proving myself, I'll be able to work from home.

There it is: my dream in a nutshell. I get to work from home soon enough.

And if I make the kind of money they are telling me I will...well, I can retire my day job. I can concentrate my efforts on my writing. I can work on my marketing efforts.

Know what?

I can do this.

I believe it. It seems like I have been ready for this for so long. It seems like my entire life has been building to this. It seems like life is turning around, like luck is on my side, like I really can live my dream.

Keep your fingers crossed. I'm chasing my dreams here. I hope you are, too.


  1. Thanks, Connie! I'm getting more excited with each passing day.

  2. How very cool! So excited for you! WOW! Go, Nicki, GO!

  3. WOOHOO!! this is awesome. I am SO thrilled for you! You GOT this.

  4. @Jolene: so funny to hear you say the same things we've all been saying to you. :) I'm just really excited. Good big things. I can feel it.

    @T: I'm learning from you. Every day. I try to embrace all the great lessons you impart. I think it's working...

  5. Yay! Congrats! I'm so glad that it'll feed into your dream even more. So many exciting, big things going on for you.
