Thursday, May 5, 2011

I'll tell you what dreamers don't do


In a word...sleep!

Just once, I want some serious sleep. I have a bed. It's really comfy. I have a special pillow. (Thanks Virgin Mattress!) I have a great blanket. All the components are there. It's not that.

Some nights I am so busy that I keep working late into the night. Some nights I am exhausted but I lay in bed and wonder how I can ever shut off my mind so that I can get the rest I need. Some nights I stay up too late. I simply lose track of time. And the next thing you know, I only have hours to get some sleep.

I thought I was going to get a good night's sleep last night. We went to bed about 9:30pm. That was promising. Only, I knew within minutes, I wasn't going to be able to sleep. So, I went back out to the living room and worked on the computer. Dreamers know that in order to achieve their dreams, there's going to be some work involved.

Finally, about an hour later, I was ready for bed. Still plenty of time to get a good night's sleep since my alarm wasn't supposed to go off until 5:30am. Plenty of time!

Oh, but about 3:30am, Sam woke up. That wouldn't normally bother me. Only, this morning, getting up meant that he was taking his vitamins. And then there was the morning noises. And then there was the toothbrushing.

Needless to say...I was up. Yes, my day started at o'dark thirty. I have officially done more now before 7am than some people do ALL DAY. I have showered and dressed and completed just about all of my computer work. I have done laundry and the dishwasher. We had the kind of breakfast that I normally only make on a weekend.

And I know that tonight is going to hurt. I am going to be nodding off minutes after dinner. That's unfortunate because we are going to be meeting Lonnie and Lindsay at Monterey's to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. I'm going to be a piece on weird news. I predict drowning in queso. My only hope is a caffeine IV drip to get me through the day.

Think of me.


  1. Happy Cinco de Mayo!

    And get your sleep so your immune system stays strong!

  2. SLEEP baby sleep!! I'm tired just reading that ;-)

  3. I'm hoping for a nap. I think I can squeeze in an hour before dinner. Fingers crossed.

  4. Yuck! I hate functioning on such minimal sleep. Sleeping is such an important thing to me -- I'm actually in dire need of several good nights of sleep. As much as they say that sleep is for the weak and that you have to sacrifice sleep for your dreams, I think a good 8 hours keeps you feeling much more ready and able to make those dreams come true. After all, what fun is doing what you love when it feels like a chore?
