Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Learning experiences

It's been two weeks. Two weeks have passed since he messed up. It has been a learning experience for both of us.

During that time I have discovered that I still don't understand men, and clearly men don't understand women. Or it could be that they are so deep in the denial that they actually believe what they say. Regardless, there have been good moments and bad. There are still details to iron out.

I think that's a big part of life. We live. We learn. We negotiate. We compromise. We decide what we can live with, how we want to live. And then we step back and wait.

Will what we planned and discussed happen? Will the promises be kept? Will life unfold as it should?

I think in relationships, real relationships, these discussions are ongoing. I don't think they ever end unless you allow yourselves to slip into apathy. Life is all about growth and change.

Some changes are good. Some changes aren't.

Then there's honesty.

Honesty can be good and bad. It can mean that you find out what someone really thinks, how someone really feels. It can mean that you find out things that you want to know, but it hurts anyway.

And just because someone is being honest doesn't mean that everything is going to be okay. Maybe that honesty in fact ends the relationship. It isn't because of the honesty. The relationship could have ended just as easily over the dishonesty. The problem is the choice being made, what is being done...not whether it is in the open or hidden.

So, we talk. We decide. We trust. We hope for the best.

Still hoping. Still deciding. Not ready to throw in the towel yet.


  1. You're so right about honesty. Sometimes it does end a relationship, and doesn't mean everything is ok. Great point...and I continue to hope for you, that he doesn't mess up again. Or else ;-)

  2. I know, Jolene. Fingers crossed. We'll see what happens. I am not as trusting as I was. It's not the same. It can't be for now...

  3. I have confidence in you that you will make the best decisions necessary for your personal needs. You're a doer and a go-getter, and you will do what needs to be done to make your dreams come true. Always remember that. =)

  4. Meredith, I love that you take the time to remind me that I'm so capable. I needed that!
