Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Dreamers deal with the itch...

I have been growing increasingly frustrated lately.  And Sam has felt it.

I'm not one who has to spend a lot of money to have fun, but sometimes...I need to get out of the house.  I'm home working all the time...days, nights, weekends.  I'm always within arm's reach of a computer.

And while I love what I do....sometimes a girl needs a break.  We used to go to the movies here and there.  We are back in our Sunday routine of watching football...unless he has to work.

There are times I get...cabin fever.  Yesterday he came home from the job site early to work around the house.  He ran to Lowe's for some supplies.  And he was gone for nearly two hours.  I waited for a bit to eat lunch, then gave up.  I ran out of patience and my frustrations got the better of me.  I needed to get out.  Immediately.

It was a trip to McDonald's just down the road that helped perk me up.  Of course, he was coming back just as I was leaving and that made him wonder.  I am reliable and predictable and...home.  I came back with a cone.  And there was strange new stuff in the garage.

me: Some girls get flowers from their husbands...

Sam: Baby, I bought you a spider!

Ah, Halloween.  The one time of year that I am supposed to set aside my arachnophobia for the sake of fun and games.  There was a giant spider on the couch...inflatable...taking up the entire couch.  It was turning it's head from side to side.  We had discussed it...and here it was.

Oh, and there was more...LED strands of glowing red hands, a purple LED strobe light...and plans.  It was a start.  It perked me up some.

Sam: What's up?  Where did you go?

me: McDonald's.  I needed to get out.  It was the most decadent $1.07 I've ever spent.

Sam: I think you need to get out more.

I have been holding onto plans for the Renaissance Festival, opening this weekend.  He has never been and I'm dying to have that first with him.  Another in this big important year.

But sometimes the weekend sees so far away.

Sam: What movie did you want to see?

What?  After more than a week of dropping hints and outright asking, he was finally going to take me to a movie.  Sweet.

Come back tomorrow to read how Dreamers date.


  1. Oh boy, you're getting ready for Halloween! That's exciting to this little Halloween lover. I'm also excited to read all about the movie date. I hope there are some delicious turkey legs in your future as well. Nothing like wandering around with a giant piece of poultry to munch. ;)

  2. Glad to see that you are making time for yourself. Often I forget that I too need that time for fun since I stay at home. J has come to expect that I'll always be there for him. Well I will but maybe not in the house where he thought I'd be but quite possibly out enjoying myself instead.
