Monday, September 5, 2011

Dreamers know the pros and cons of joint accounts

Yes, I love that we have joint accounts and that he carries me a little bit.  I love that he is generous.  I love that I can help him out with banking, since he rarely has time to run and make deposits.

All that is well and good. 

At the same time, there is a dark side to joint checking.  I have to remember every purchase I made over the course of the day since I will probably be asked about it.  I have to remember that when we are sharing his money that I need to respect it and truly question how I spend it.

Still, he knew that there were things that we needed to get for the wedding.  I'm closer.  It's closer.  And I want to feel ready.

So, I left Sunday morning while he was still sleeping to pick up a few things.  I needed cups and flutes and plates and napkins.  I needed to get the candles while they were still on sale at Yankee Candle.  And I needed to get some food.  I didn't realize that when I left.  I thought I was full.  I had drank my chocolate milk and vitamins.  I had devoured a peach.  I figured I'd run a few errands and eat at home.

Ah, but Party City took longer than anticipated.  And the drive to the mall took longer than I expected.  And my tummy was all...yo, thinkgs are gonna get mighty unpleasant if you don't see to my needs.  Feed me and no one gets hurt.

Well, I wouldn't want anyone to get hurt, so I stopped at Taco Bell.  I picked up my usual through the drive thru and ate in the parking lot before going into Yankee Candle.  That's when my phone started ringing.  Seriously, my stomach clenched and all I could think was...he can't possibly know already.

me: Hello?

Sam: I want Taco Bell, too!

And I started giggling.

me: I'm just stuffing the last of the quesadilla in my mouth.

Sam mimicked a sinister voice: I can monitor your every move.

That he can.  And since I don't do anything he has to worry about or I have to lie about, we're doing just fine.