Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Dreamers exhale

I'm learning to exhale.  I'm learning to unwind.  And I say this as I'm pushing myself to complete a book this month.  And I say this as I'm pushing my computer guru to help me get my website revamped.  And I say this as I have so many other demands on my time.

Oh, but learning to release and unwind is critical at this point.  I can't afford to get upset and be uptight.  I'm baking a baby.  And this child does not need to be developing in some hostile stressful environment.  No, my womb needs to be all sunshine, roses, and rainbows.

So, I'm having some girl time with Lindsay on Saturday.  We're getting massages.  They have a pregnancy massage table, which I'm guessing means a big gaping hole in a massage table.  I can work with that.  And the guys will get some guy time.  I'm sure they need it. 

The best part is that Lindsay and I are really friends now on our own merit.  At one time, it was one of those friendships based on the fact that they were Sam's friends, but now we talk and interact and try to hang out all on our own. 

Life evolves.  And I have more room to embrace the changes when I exhale, release the negative, and soak in the positive. 

Get ready.  Big project in 2012.

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