Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Dreamers made a daughter

It's official.  It's a girl.

She has labia and everything.  That's what the doctor said.

Doctor:  100% girl.  See those dashes?

me and Sam: Uh huh.

Doctor: Those are labia.

I didn't really need the anatomy lesson.  I am familiar with labia.  But he was nice.  And he answered all of our questions.

And we had a lot of them.  Sam was quick to point out...

Sam: I'm new at this.  I'm her second husband.  This is my first child.

Doctor: Ah, so you're unproven.

And I had to giggle because that's how we describe Bishop.  He's an unproven stud, too.

The doctor talked to us about the plan for the pregnancy, since he's the high risk doctor who has taken on a support role for the entire pregnancy.  I like him a lot.  He's not the one that did the CVS last year when we lost our son.

And while there were some uncomfortable moments, like when I realized that Sam was going to have to cope with another man literally in my business, I also had some really great moments, too.  He was really helpful when it came to me having to undress from the waist down.  He covered me with a sheet and folded my clothes.  He helped me get cleaned up after.  Yeah, I let him pass me stuff.  I can still clean all of that off by myself.

We've had some great talks the last few days.  We talked about Thanksgiving and how challenging that was.  We remembered losing our son last year.  And I realized something I've always known.  He takes really good care of me.  He isn't pushy, he's simply there, right where he needs to be, right when I need him to be there.  That is love.

Sam is about to be the father of a daughter.  With this new role comes great responsibility.  Eventually, every boy will be his mortal enemy.  Eventually, he will be the wardrobe police.  And I'm not worried.  He has mastered much of the art of being a husband already.  He will take on this role just fine.  After all, he has me to help coach him through it.

When we returned home and it was all sinking in, I looked at him.

me: Thank you.

Sam: For what?

me: Unproven or not, this is the best girl pregnancy I've ever had.

It's true.  Normally, I'm puking, bedridden, and miserably sick with girls.  This time, nothing.  No wonder I thought I was having a boy.  Ah, but it's a girl.  And I'm not seeing pink, I'm seeing purple.  Lots and lots of purple.


  1. So happy to hear things are on track for you and your little girl. Sounds like you have a plan and some good doctors watching over you. Looks like a little one will definitely be here next spring. Can't wait! YEA!! Love you, Mom.

  2. Purple sounds like a fun idea. S also sounds like he's doing well in his role as daddy.

  3. Yay! Having a girl is just wonderful. Lucky you.
