Thursday, October 6, 2011

Dreamers do dinner with friends

Yes, we're at it again, folks.

We'll be having a friend over for dinner.  What makes this dinner so special, since we have people around for dinner all the time?  Oh, we're having Brian back.  You may remember the story about our all-nighter at the hospital when our guest was bitten by Bishop.

He's baaaaack!

It's always good to have friends.  And it's always good to have friends who don't hold a grudge.  Especially when these friends sometimes supply work...aka money that makes our world go round.

So, we're having dinner.  It sounds like a pasta with meat sauce.  Sam will eat it.  And I'll make bread in the bread machine.  I'll nuke some veggies.  I'll even make a super special dessert.  I think I'm trying my hand at those yummy molten chocolate lava cakes.

Of course, if I make that, I kinda need to pick up some ice cream.  I'll be getting right on that.

I'm hoping for a really relaxed and easy night.  I don't want a lot of effort to be exerted.  I'm trying to practice relaxing more and working less.  I'm trying to take better care of myself.  It's a constant battle between what I should do and what I have no choice in doing.

Ah, but dinner.  And lots of conversation.  It should prove to be a good night.  I'm looking forward to it.  All it takes is a little something to shake up my routine and I'm so much happier.

Maybe that's why our life works so well for me.  There is very little routine to it.  We constantly shake things up.  And we keep our friends close.  Close friends are good.


  1. If you have another opportunity and want something that's like a molten chocolate cake without the fuss of a molten chocolate cake, try chocolate cobbler. My new favorite hang-out makes exquisite chocolate cobbler. It's so gooey, warm, and chocolaty, and they top it with whipped cream and chocolate syrup. Sooo good! (But so not going to help me lose nearly 30lbs.)
