Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Dreamers work together

Lately, there has been a new phenomenon.  Keenan has really become a member of the family.  He admitted to hiding out in his room a lot because of Rachel.  Now he's out and about.

We're loving it.

We have been having breakfast together every morning.  It's a standing date.  The other morning it was a real challenge.

We couldn't open the milk.

Sounds simple enough, right?  We made hot chocolate.  It was steaming hot.  We needed to leave room for the milk.

No matter what Keenan and I tried, we couldn't get it open.  Seriously.

Keenan: What's going on?  I don't get it.

Yeah, I was baffled, too.

We tried everything.  We tried a knife.  (And no one died!)  We tried having Keenan turn the top while I turned the bottom.  We tried all kind of tools and objects.

me: You realized we're not that far removed from monkeys right now, right?

And we started beating about our bodies and making frustrated monkey noises.  Finally, we gave up.

me: Okay, on the bright side...the hot chocolate is cool enough to drink now.  And Sam will be home later to open the milk.

Then I patted my belly.

me: Sorry, kid.  We'll have cheese and ice cream instead of chocolate milk today.

And it's not like that is any kind of trade off.  I love cheese.  And the ice cream is chocolate.  Yummmm.

Oh, and these moments with Keenan...super special.  I am blessed.  Oh, and knowing that I have Sam as additional support...perfect.


  1. I just got a good giggle trying to picture you and Keenan in the kitchen doing your best monkey impressions. Way to make light of a non-spilled-milk situation.

  2. I love hearing the battle of milk jug. Try an old mouse pad, one of those thin ones. They work so well on opening up tough pickle jars.

  3. Sam came home for lunch today. He opened the milk in a heart beat and then just looked at me. He couldn't figure out what was so hard. Then he did that thing where he tried to make me feel better and think that we had at least loosened it for him.


    I'm weak. At least the hubby is strong. ;)
