Thursday, October 27, 2011

Dreamers modify their dreams

So, last spring I started a company.  I really believed in it.  I thought it had promise.

Sure, there were concerns that it wouldn't make it.  All new businesses have that concern.  It seemed like I was really going to make a go of it at first, but slacked off.  I blamed it on a number of reasons...not the least of which was that it was difficult, maybe even nearly impossible to make a company grow when you are already working for another company full-time, running a home, raising two kids, taking care of a bevy of animals, and have a fiance who also needs time and attention...personally and professionally.

Yeah, so it failed.  Or just fizzled.  Regardless of the description, the result was the same.

The theory was good.  I was offering to do some social marketing for companies at a very reasonable rate.  the execution was good.  I had a new website made.  I opened accounts for everything I had to do.  New emails to manage, new YouTube to manage, new Twitter, new Facebook, new Flickr.  I was dying.  It was too much.  Or it was too much for me.  Add to that the need to find companies to work with...

Well, you know where this is going.

And it's now fall.  Six months later.  By now I thought the business would be well-established and we'd be preparing to go south, at least as far as The Keys, maybe farther.  We bought the boat.  (You know, the one that demasted and nearly killed us over Fourth of July.)  We had some really big plans.

Plans change.  And dreams get adjusted.  And eventually, dreamers find new dreams, find ways to modify their existing dreams.  We have to.

I still believe after all these years that everything happens for a reason.  I believe that all the bad and all the suffering lead to something good.  It always has in my life.  Or maybe I'm just super at finding that silver lining and seeing life through rose colored glasses.  Hey, whatever works and keeps me sane, right?

Well, I have a new direction to take the business.  I just have to get my computer guru on board.  I'm working on that as we speak.  Wish me luck.  And with that luck, we'll coast through winter.  We'll soar into spring.  And we'll be making all our dreams come true.

Details to follow of course.  Hugs!

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