Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Dreamers don't let external forces bring them down

Nope.  They sure don't.

See, I live a public life.  Mostly.  And there are those that are close to me that don't read me.  I like that.  It gives us something to talk about in real life.  And there are those who should be close to me, but only communicate by reading me and the occasional comment, but don't speak to me.  I don't like that.  It doesn't give them the truest sense of my life.

That's what I'm suffering through at the moment.

I expect to be judged.  I put myself out there.  I share my successes.  I report on my failures.  I struggled to stay focused and positive.

Ah, but there are these moments.  You know the ones I'm talking about.  There are moments when someone says something that just brings you down.

Or maybe it's just me.  What?  You, too?  Good.  So, I'm not alone.

And yet at the moment, I'm trying to dispel the dark cloud that is raging over my head.  So, I write.

This is what I've come up with.

I can't let others have that much control over my mood.  It doesn't matter what someone thinks if they don't know the entire story and haven't sought me out to understand the situation.  And someone who doesn't try to be a part of my life...really doesn't matter.  What that person thinks...doesn't matter.  What that person writes...doesn't matter.

I give credence to those that know me and want to know me, to those that talk and listen, to those that interact and stay in touch.

My life is too big.  I have too much going on to let my mood be altered by external forces.  I'm smarter than that.  I'm stronger than that.  And gosh golly, I deserve better than that.

So, I'm brushing it off.  I'm shaking it off.  I'm moving forward because I don't have time to be stagnant and dwell on a bunch of negativity.  Good big things are happening.  And that's what deserves my energy and enthusiasm.


  1. ::big hugs:: You're doing the best you can do, so remember our conversation yesterday. I definitely get how you feel, though. Some times people say things that can really get under our skin, and I think the best way to handle that negative feeling is to simply find the positive take-home message in it. Then, move on. And also remember: you are awesome.

  2. I Love You Niki. Just like Meredith says, "you are Awesome.".
