Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Dreamers make progress

We had our first Angie's list Big Deal estimate yesterday.  And our second will be today.  We have a lot of things slowly happening.  Progress is being made.

It's exciting and frustrating at the same time.

I'm ready now.  I want to get going and moving forward with the business NOW.

And I'm a little scared.  It's nearing winter.

Winter is long.  Even in the south.  And with winter comes extra bills.  We have loads of holidays coming up.  There's Thanksgiving, my favorite cooking holiday.  There's Christmas, my favorite baking holiday.  And while last year was a lean Christmas...we have hopes that this year will be better.

We used the wedding gift cards.  The great room is almost done.  And by that, I mean that we ran out of money.  We would like a new floor in there.  We need new baseboards.  It will all come together in time.

How long have I been preaching time and patience?  It seems like for always.

And I don't feel like being patient so much any more.  Time is of the essence.  In fact, I have moments where I am downright impatient.

Sam reminds me how much better we would be doing if I was making more money.  I would like to be earning more money.  I feel like I am on the cusp of it, but can't quite get there.  I have all these novels and books that I need to finish and I just can't get it done.  There are so many other things and people making demands on my time.


And the problem is...it isn't a matter of prioritizing.  It isn't like I am busy doing things that don't need to be done at the moment.  It's that there is only one of me.

So there is progress.  It is slow going.  It is frustrating.  It is what it is.  And I have to believe it will get batter.  Always end with hope.

I'll look at my bright side.  It's quite pretty.  And I'll hang tough and dig deep and do what I have to in order to get it all done.

There will be pictures to follow.  Just let us get the trim up.  Patience.


  1. Psst! Have you checked your email? I sent you an rather animated email the other night with some ideas I had. I think you and I both can make things work with our respective business ventures -- and I know the ideas I have for myself can be applied to your business as well.

  2. Can't wait to see the pictures of the new great room.

  3. You're on your way! Patience and LOTS of faith!
