Thursday, October 6, 2011

Dreamers find balance

This has been my constant struggle...finding a way to do it all.  I need to have a life balanced by work and play and love.  I need family time and alone time and couples time.  Yeah, just like everyone else, I want it all, baby.

Finally, I feel like we're there.  Last night was perfect.  Shoot.  Most of yesterday was perfect.

I worked out of the house all morning, taking a break to get a few items from the grocery store and...a $5 foot long.  Yum.  Bread is good.  Bread with tons of deli meat and cheese...even better.

Then I did some work for our business.  I followed that with a nap.  In Sam's lap.  He napped, too.

When we woke, it was time to get back to work.  I had bread to bake for dinner.  And I had dessert to make.  He and Keenan worked on trimming out the great room.  It's getting so...perfect in there.

Brian arrived.  It was dinner and laughter and business talk.  He managed to leave intact.  No issues with Bishop.  No falling and breaking himself or anything else.  It was practically boring.

All I know is that by the time we went to bed, I felt good.  I felt balanced.  I felt relaxed.  It's about time.


  1. That sounds absolutely lovely. I'm glad everything went well yesterday. Hurray! Only a couple more days until we brainstorm tons of creative ways to become rock-star business owners. ;)

  2. I love bread. Too bad bread, unless made by me, is far too high in sodium for me to indulge in. Sighs...I could go for a good carb fest right now.
