Saturday, August 13, 2011

Dreamers are there in a crisis

At least we are. And I can say this with some examples to back up that claim. Take this very moment, for example, as I write this post on Sam's iPhone while he sleeps in the seat beside me.

Oh, did I mention that it is a car seat? Did I also mention that because it's a torrential downpour that the windows are up and that it is easily a balmy eighty degrees in here? Oh, and did mention that the car in question is parked in the ER?

Well, I suppose I took all the fun out of this story since you know neither of us is in jeopardy...really. And then there's Brian. Wish I could say the same about him. Oh,but I can't. I mostly feel sorry for him, but he pretty much was his own worst enemy this time.

Sometimes you just shouldn't poke the bear. Only in this story, the bear is actually Bishop. And the poking...well, it was still poking. That's why we're at the emergency room. And that's why Brian is getting his ear stitched up. And that's why I'm struggling to post from a phone instead of a laptop when I should be asleep.

At least I'm dry. At least it's not a regular occurrence. At least I can get this done for now.


  1. Uh-oh. Hope everything's alright! Bishop was just being overzealous, I assume.

  2. Um, Bishop was being tormented and back into a corner. He felt threatened. He's not a dangerous dog. I'd still leave him in a room with an infant unattended. :)
