Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Dreamers offer love and support

Last summer, I spent a few days in California, courtesy of Yahoo!.  While I was there, I had the opportunity to not only network with Yahoo! and all the people working behind the scenes to make Yahoo! so special, but I also met most of the women from the Mother Board.  That was, after all, why I was invited.

It was a lot like summer camp.  You go.  Emotions run high.  You have a lot of fun.  You meet new people, get to link faces and names, and in the end...form lasting bonds.  At least, that's how summer camp always was for me.

So, we all went home and went about our lives.  We still work with the Mother Board.  We still interact with and support each other.  Oh, but every once in a while, something happens that draws us closer than normal.  Right now, we're all coming together to support one of our mothers.  Jennifer lost her husband unexpectedly to a heart attack.  He leaves behind two young daughters as well...ages 3 and 8.

Jennifer writes a food blog.  I remember sitting down to dinner with her our last night in California.  We were dining at Nola's and there's something about sharing a meal with food bloggers.  She and Vanessa Druckman were talking about some of their cooking and their recipes.  I can't participate.  Sam barely eats, so I no longer cook like I once did.  And I remember marveling over their passion for food and the skill with which they threw together meals, desserts, and snacks more sophisticated than my kids ever saw.  I felt pretty slack.

We've all been asking what we can do to help Jennifer and her family.  Well,  her post said it all.  Jennifer put off for too long making the peanut butter pie that her husband wanted.  She's making one for him Friday.  She has shared her incredible recipe and asked that we all make a pie for Mikey and share it with those we love.  And even though I don't cook much, it seems like so little to ask.

So, we know where I'll be the kitchen.  And I'll be glad that I have this family to bake for and share with.  I'll be thinking of Jennifer and her family.  I'll treasure the time I have with those I love.

Take a moment to share Jennifer's story, her recipe, and a pie for Mikey with those you love.

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