Thursday, August 18, 2011

Dreamers stick to the plan

I've faced so many distractions lately.  Still, it's no reason for not being as productive as I should be.  I have so little time to really make this work.  I have to do it.

Still, you know me.  I always feel like I could be doing more, like I should be doing more.  And today is my big chance.  Finally, I'm alone for a few hours.  So I'm snatching that time.  I'm going to use it wisely.  I'm going to write two new articles for Yahoo!.  My plan was to do two a day, every day.  That went well for all of a week, then Yahoo! was so back logged that it looked like it might be a while before they made it through the stack of articles I had backlogged on their server.

Guess I can admit to being a little slack in that department.  Still, I have managed to keep up with my Juice in the City posts.  And I did manage to read and review a novel that I was paid to write about.  Every once in a while I stumble upon a really nice paying easy opportunity.  You want to hire someone to read and write?  I am your girl.

Now, I have to focus.  My time is limited.  It's only a few weeks until the wedding.  It's only a few months until I have to either make more money or find a job to supplement what I'm doing.  Winter is slow for construction.  We can't afford to fall behind on the mortgage ever again.  We can't afford to lose everything we've worked so hard for.

And so I'm sticking with the plan.  I'm even moving a littler further with it.  I can't wait to get revamping on the Rentable Me site.  I'm changing the direction, but I'm still selling my services.  I am a writer.  Social marketing is only part of it.  I need to focus on my strengths.

Have any plans that you want to share, any goals you are pursuing?  I'd love for us to cheer each other on.


  1. moving is my goal. almost there. keep on truckin lady, you got this!

  2. Getting pregnant by the scientific method is my goal and I just tucked a bit more away today for the procedure too. Yay me!

  3. Yay, Jolene! I hope we get pics of the new place. All indications are that it is pretty nice.

    And Becky, I hope you get pregnant. Thinking of you cousin.

  4. I'm planning... well, a lot. Finding a home -- for rent, for sale, I'm not picky. (Because a roof over one's head doesn't always equate to a home.) Finding a job that pays decently and offers first shift (and probably going to accept a variable shift position in the mean time if they offer it). Finding tutoring students. Writing. Dreaming. Hoping. Praying. Waiting not-so-patiently.

  5. Oh, Meredith, you have so much going on. Believe me, I feel your pain. Thinking of you, girl!
