Friday, August 19, 2011

Meet the anti-zilla

Behold the UFOs...
Oh, and that would be me.

Know what makes me the anti-Bridezilla?

Just this.  For starters.

This is what Sam wants to wear to get married.  And I don't mind.  Oh, sure, when I was younger I would have.

But now I'm older and wiser.

I know that the ceremony should be special for us.  I don't care if no one else likes it.  I don't care if everyone thinks it strange or crazy.  We are marrying for us.  And I care so much less about the ceremony than I do the marriage.

So, the outfit is a nod to his rave days.  And my outfit is a nod to my love of our beach bound future plans coupled with my nod to hos Irish heritage.  We'll be rocking the black and white.

Most importantly of all, however, is that we will be comfortable.  We will be relaxed and happy.  We will be ourselves.

This isn't a show.  We aren't dressing to impress.  We're committing to forever together in our own special unconventional way.  And I'm good with that.

I'm so good with surprises me.  Age and experience have put all of this in perspective for me.  And nothing is going to dampen this experience.  Nothing.

Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. Brian wore a nice black dragon shirt and a pair of black pants with a similar fit to Sam's white pants. I was cool with it, and we were on a very tight budget, too. Unconventional can be fun, too -- it adds a personal touch to the event.
