Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Dreamers make positive changes

I think I may finally almost have a schedule and routine down. It's just in the nick of time, too. School will be starting again in a few weeks. The kids will be back here full time too soon. And that will throw things right off course.

Still, I really am feeling inspired. I know inspiration for me has a way of coming and going, but I'm comfortable with that. Just as my sign is ruled by the moon, so do the tides within me ebb and flow. I've learned to work with it. And to accept that it all works out if I just keep pressing on.

So, I'm going to harness that inspiration. I'm going to ride it for all it's worth and take Sam's advice. Actually, Jolene inspired me some, too. She told me that I need to tell our story. I need to be honest and open. And that's what I'm going to do. While Sam is comfortable, I'll take advantage.

We have a story that people can definitely learn from. We have a story that is meant to be shared. I've been doing it for so long in bits and pieces. I have been gentle and edited. I have been respectful and left out details. And now I need to be open and lay it all out there...mostly. There are always things that are meant to be kept just between the two people in the relationship. I think it's healthier that way.

Hate to burst your bubble, but there won't be any detailed sex scenes. And other intimate moments will be edited still. At the same time, I'll be more revealing than normal...the good, the bad, the ugly. You'll see our dynamics and what makes us work. (It's mostly me. A little him. But I'm so very understanding that it's me...)

With the exercising I've been doing as of late, the getting up early and getting focused, the words are flowing. It's not just that. The bathroom is done. And things are our version of normal once more. That helps me function all the better.


  1. I am glad you are going to do this...the good, the bad, the ugly. I think it will help to write it out, see where you've been, help others that might be going through it, work through your own feelings etc. (and yay for exercising!)

  2. Thanks for the constant and continued support! Love having you in my corner, Jolene!

  3. It's going directly onto my wish list right this second. ;) I know you'll be sure to tell us as soon as it's ready.
