Monday, August 1, 2011

Dreamers bask in their achievements

That's what we did last night.

We sat in the new tub and talked about how great the room looks. We've worked really hard on it. We spent a lot of money on it. And it's completely worth it.

There is nothing that we looked at last night and wished we had done differently. And that feels so good.

Sometimes it's completely worth it to spend the money and have no regrets. Had we done it differently, we would have. We'd have spent the next ten years wishing we had done things differently.

So while we sat and basked in the beauty of the new room, of another project completed, an item checked off our ridiculously long remodel list, we already began planning our bathroom. We want it pretty much the same.

Instead of returning the left over tiles, we're actually going to work on purchasing more tiles bit by bit. We'll gather what we need to make ours incredible, too. I'm pretty sure we'll be gathering all the necessary supplies that way.

There's talk of a tub for our bathroom. And a separate shower. And a double vanity sink. Two sinks! How positively decadent!

I'm glowing from all the little things right now. Of course some of these little things are pretty big. We finally have a functioning front door. We have two working toilets. In a few days the grout will be sealed and we'll have two fully functioning bathrooms for the first time in years.

We're practically royalty.

Then we talked about winning the lottery. Of course we rarely play, so that will never happen. Ah, but we love to dream. See, when we finish one room, it makes us want to finish the entire house. Hence the need for large sums of money.

Or maybe some reality show would like to pay for our remodel and send a film crew to capture the hilarity that ensues and the tensions that mount. That could be...interesting. There's never a dull moment here.

Take last night. Sam sent me to get the new handle for the toilet he was assembling in the garage. I found it in the bathroom, along with a puddle. The sink was leaking because the plumbing wasn't hooked up yet. So, I skidded as I ran to get him. And then when he saw the mess, he stood in the bathroom and yelled for me to get various items.

Sam: Towel. Bucket. Towel. Bucket. Towel. Bucket.

And he kept repeating what he needed as I ran around like a crazy woman collecting them. Before I could finish, I had cracked my heel on a hammer lying in the middle of the hall and was hopping around in pain while he swabbed up the floor.

Good times.

And it will be a good long time before we do this again. Unless...


  1. well thankfully that remodel is done. at least with owning your own home if you don't like how something looks there is always sledgehammer therapy.

  2. That bathroom looks spa-quality. Seriously, are you booking time in there? It looks quiet. And inviting. And peaceful.

  3. I love it. I absolutely love it. Thanks for the support.
