Monday, August 15, 2011

Dreamers cope

And I'm really good at coping.

We have several situations that are keeping us on our toes at the moment.  I say toes, but really, it's something else.  See, the air conditioning is limping along.  The coils seem to have frozen up from the excess use during our heat wave...that's lasted weeks on end.  So, we are lying low.  To not get overwhelmed by the heat.  The house was 80 stifling degrees yesterday.

I don't do well with heat. 

And then there's all of our nearly complete projects.  We have a new door that is helping with the energy efficiency from the great room to the garage.  Oh, but the door that was there, the door that was supposed to replace the original closet door in the foyer.  It still will.  It's just going to take a while.

Sam has to remove part of the jamb.  Then he'll be cutting back sheet rock.  And once that is complete he'll install a new 5/8 piece of wood so that he has something to screw the new door into.  In my experience, these projects never go smoothly.  I can say that with some authority since we've been in a near constant state of remodel since we first started dating three years ago.

No pressure.  Yet.  Only I am a little worried because my mother is coming to stay with is before and after the wedding.  And we both want the place to look good.  We've been talking about what we can do to get it in shape.  What projects can we accomplish to polish our diamond in the rough.

It should be interesting.  It won't be dull.  Our life never is.  And I like it just the way it is.  Although I wouldn't mind if it was a little cooler...


  1. T, when he wears that tool belt...Yum! I have one hawt man.

    PS. The air conditioner is working again!

  2. Okay Nicki image of man in tool belt, not what I wanted to see in my mind right Good luck on getting it all ready. You'd better post pictures after the main event.

  3. Sorry, I guess that was pretty insensitive. Yes, there will be lots of pictures.

  4. I don't know if things cooled off for a couple of days in Charlotte, but it wasn't so bad for the past couple of days. I've never been so happy to see mid to upper 80s. Sadly, the weather forecast calls for more mid 90s by the weekend. Blech! Either way, glad to see that it's working again. Also, yummy tool belts? Hehe, I bet you're glad to have some eye candy while you're working, huh? ;)

  5. And you wondered why I was so into remodeling. Ha! ;)
