Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Dreamers prepare for the holidays

Sam is stressing over being able to buy me anything for the holidays.  I don't care.  Really I don't.  I don't know how many times I've tried to explain to him that I have everything I want and need.

Does he not see that having a loving husband and a loving son are enough?  Does he not see that our life together is enough?  Does he not see how happy I am...most of the time?

There are days that the pregnancy hormones kick my butt.  It's true.  There are days that I get tired and worn down.  Who doesn't?  At the same time, I'm thrilled with my life.  I love the possibility.  I have hope that things will improve.  I don't put a deadline on this.

How could I?

Instead, I just keep plugging along.  Even as we struggle, I like this life so much.  Sure, we don't go away all the time like I did with the ex.  It doesn't matter.  I even love staying in with him.  It's nice being happy at home...even as we dream of one day having a beach home.  That's on our list.

So, once again we are looking at a Christmas light on stuff, but heavy on love.  I'm baking with love.  (Yes, I keep baking supplies on hand at all time.)  And I'm cleaning under duress.  (There are way better uses of my time.)  And I'm making this holiday bright with love and laughter and cookies.

We have a family gathering Christmas Eve at Mawmaw's.  I'm looking forward to seeing the family.  And eating.  Family gatherings involve food!  I'm looking forward to coming home Christmas Eve and snuggling into bed.  (He's been super good at that lately.)  And then on Sunday, Keenan will be home for Christmas and the rest of the vacation.

Nothing can ruin this holiday.  Nothing.  It's never been about stuff for me.  It's about being with those I love.  And in that department, I couldn't be more blessed.